Spotlighted Case Studies


The spotlighted case studies feature key artifacts, including a user research playbook, a card sort, and a mixed-methods study. These examples highlight my approach to leveraging data for design decisions, fostering a user-centered culture, and developing strategic insights. I have received stakeholder approval to share these case studies in my portfolio, with additional examples available upon request.
Video Walkthrough of Spotlighted Case Studies, 2 min 30 s

$6.2 Million in Cost Savings & Reduced Call Time for a Top Bank
IA Research for CS Agents, using R and Optimal Workshop
A 3d clustering analysis used for the card sort to find groups
As Principal User Researcher at Tallwave, I guided user insights for a team reworking Fare Rules, a resource customer service agents use to calculate travel costs. Its text-based interface slowed work and caused errors. The updated system streamlined navigation, reduced call handling time, and saved $6.2 million in one quarter for one of the largest U.S. banks.
View Card Sort Study

Increased Student Enrollment in Universities
Qualitative Research, Click Data, and Google Analytics Driving Conversion Rate Optimization
Click rate percentages of different buttons in an email template in the study
As Senior Manager of User Research at Nabler, I led a three-person team in a mixed-methods study for a higher-education client. Building on prior data, we pinpointed the best email to send prospective students, increasing enrollment and boosting conversion rates.
View Mixed Methods Study

Improved UX Research for All Agency Clients
UX Research Democratization Via A Playbook and Classroom Sessions
As the Principal User Researcher at Tallwave, I authored a playbook to disseminate, standardize, and optimize methods across the UX team. Integrated into Community of Practice sessions, it saw widespread adoption, elevating how the team gathered and applied user insights.
View Playbook Project